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Month, day and year code behind format

Day name and date format of Friday, 11/11/2011

Dim strDayName As String
Dim curTime As New DateTime
curTime = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString()
strDayName = curTime.DayOfWeek.ToString

Response.Write(strDayName & ", " & DateTime.Today)

Result: Friday, 11/11/2011
Day name and date format of Friday, 11/11/2011 using case funtion

Dim iDay As String
Dim strDayName As String
iDay = DatePart("w", DateTime.Now)

   Select Case iDay
          Case "1"
              strDayName = "Sunday"
          Case "2"
              strDayName = "Monday"
          Case "3"
              strDayName = "Tuesday"
          Case "4"
              strDayName = "Wednesday"
          Case "5"
              strDayName = "Thursday"
          Case "6"
              strDayName = "Friday"
          Case "7"
              strDayName = "Saturday"
   End Select

Response.Write(strDayName & ", " & DateTime.Today)

Month name, day and year format of November 11, 2011

Response.Write(MonthName(DateTime.Now.Month) & " " & DateTime.Now.Day & ", 
                                                _" & DateTime.Now.Year)

Result: November 11, 2011

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