Multiple file upload – VB.NET
Code behind only
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Web.UI
Imports System.Data.Sql
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
'define public classes/share them on page
Public ImgUpConf1 As String 'displays img after success. upload
Public ImgUpConf2 As String ' "
Public BadImgFormat As String 'passing banned file ext msg to page
Public NoImage As String = "no_image.jpg" 'default image no image jpg
Public NoImage2 As String = "no_image_2.jpg" 'no image jpg for img2, 3 and 4
'img directory - physical path
Dim saveDir As String = "\photos\"
Dim appPath As String = Request.PhysicalApplicationPath
If uID = "" And vaID = "" Then
Click to
MsgLbl.Text = "Your session expired. Please login again."
'img extensiong check
Dim ImgExt1 As String = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(ImgUpload1.FileName)
Dim ImgName1 = "photo1" & ImgExt1
Dim ImgExt2 As String = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(ImgUpload2.FileName)
Dim ImgName2 = "photo2 & ImgExt2
'uploading first image
If (ImgUpload1.HasFile) Then
'default file name
'Dim savePath As String =
appPath + saveDir + Server.HtmlEncode(ImgUpload1.FileName)
'custom file name
Dim savePath As String =
Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/photos"), ImgName1)
'checking img type = only jpg and gif allowed
If (ImgExt1.ToString = ".jpg") Or (ImgExt1.ToString = ".jpeg") +
Or (ImgExt1.ToString = ".gif") Then
ImgUpConf1 = ImgName1.ToString
'img photo and conf msg after sucess. upload
FileUpd1.InnerHtml = "<table>" +
<tr><td><img src='../photos/" & ImgUpConf1 & "' height='35' width='50'/>" +
"<td style='vertical-align: top;'><strong>Image 1:" +
" " & ImgUpload1.FileName & "<br />" +
"<span class='lblAdded'>Image 1 successfuly uploaded!"
'if img <> jpg or <> gif msg
BadImgFormat = ImgExt1.ToString
ImgName1 = NoImage 'db photo record
FileUpd1.InnerHtml = "<table>" +
"<tr><td><img src='../photos/no_image.jpg' height='35' width='50'/>" +
"<td style='vertical-align: top;' ><span style='color: red;'>" +
"ERROR: The default image format is " & BadImgFormat & "!
" +
"Only .jpg and .gif file type allowed.<br />" +
"<a href='photo_up2.aspx?img=1' class='colorbox2'>Try again." +
End If
'if img is not selected or not required
ImgName1 = NoImage 'db photo record
FileUpd1.InnerHtml = "<table>" +
"<tr><td><img src='../photos/no_image.jpg' height='35' width='50'/>" +
"<td style='vertical-align: top;' >The default image was not "+
"selected and uploaded.<br />" +
"Default image photo will apply!"
End If
'uploading second image
If (ImgUpload2.HasFile) Then
'default file name
'Dim savePath As String =
appPath + saveDir + Server.HtmlEncode(ImgUpload2.FileName)
'custom file name
Dim savePath As String =
Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/photos"), ImgName2)
'checking img type = only jpg and gif allowed
If (ImgExt2.ToString = ".jpg") Or (ImgExt2.ToString = ".jpeg") +
Or (ImgExt2.ToString = ".gif") Then
ImgUpConf2 = ImgName2.ToString
'img photo and conf msg after sucess. upload
FileUpd2.InnerHtml = "<table>" +
<tr><td><img src='../photos/" & ImgUpConf1 & "' height='35' width='50'/>" +
"<td style='vertical-align: top;'><strong>Image 2:" +
" " & ImgUpload2.FileName & "<br />" +
"<span class='lblAdded'>Image 2 successfuly uploaded!" +
'if img <> jpg or <> gif msg
BadImgFormat = ImgExt1.ToString
ImgName2 = NoImage 'db photo record
FileUpd2.InnerHtml = "<table>" +
"<tr><td><img src='../photos/no_image.jpg' height='35' width='50'/>" +
"<td style='vertical-align: top;' ><span style='color: red;'>" +
"ERROR: The default image format is " & BadImgFormat & "!
" +
"Only .jpg and .gif file type allowed.<br />" +
"<a href='photo_up2.aspx?img=2' class='colorbox2'>Try again." +
End If
'if img is not selected or not required
ImgName2 = NoImage 'db photo record
FileUpd2.InnerHtml = "<table>" +
"<tr><td><img src='../photos/no_image.jpg' height='35' width='50'/>" +
"<td style='vertical-align: top;' >The default image was not " +
"selected and uploaded."<br />" +
"Default image photo will apply!"
End If
Tags: ASP.NET, file, upload